Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The "Religion of Peace" Kills More Innocents

The extremist wing of the "Religion of Peace" has taken some more innocent victims (along with the usual young suicidal dupes).

What exactly does Bali have to do with Iraq? For that matter, what does southern Thailand or the Philippines and other hotbeds of Islamo-fascist insurgency have to do with Iraq? Will we soon be hearing excuses blaming George Bush’s removal of a fascist dictator who used to kill Shiite Muslims? Will we be hearing the "poverty" excuse again? What exactly is it going to take to convince biased international news media and "commentators" to get a clue regarding the nature of Islamo-fascist Jihad’s motives and objectives?

As with fascist predecessors of times past, a time will come when the war that civilized peoples are now confronted with will be called what it is. At that time, contrived euphemisms like “the war on terror" will finally be changed to a more accurate moniker, (i.e. “the war with fanatical fascist Islamic extremism”). The continuing random acts of violence against innocents throughout the world in the name of “Jihad” will perhaps then be seen by enough people as deserving a more serious response (a course of action that should have been taken years ago). The "peacemakers” of the world never seem to want to act against foul sects (like Nazism and Islamo-fascism) while such institutions are still in their infancy. Instead, we must wait till the obvious distinction between good and evil shows itself in the deaths of millions (as we saw in the fascist and communist precedents).

As I have done in the past, I have to paraphrase Neal Boortz; “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists are Muslim.” Those are the facts. If you don't like that, all the more reason to end support and sympathy for such deliberate killers.

Islam is not a "religion of peace" anymore than Communism was a system of limited government that honored the individual.

For those decent, moderate Muslim who simply wish to practice their religion with tolerance toward others, you need to become a lot more vocal or consider that many members of your religion are putting it in a rather terrible light. While the tactics and polemics of Jihad might have a sympathetic voice with journalism majors and overpaid academics in the west, the common citizen can see where this is all going and, in the next few years, more of them will be loosing their patience.

Again, the recent bombing in Bali is another example of wanton brutality that has nothing to do with Iraq or any of the other phony excuses given for such actions (the World Trade Center itself was struck long before Iraq was liberated from its fascist dictatorship). To the horrid fools who make excuses for such actions, you best reconsider your twisted appraisal of events as sympathy for you will be diminished in coming years as well.

The public's mixed appraisals will soon be wearing thin, and more and more people will begin to see the "religion of peace" for what it is by the most honest method of appraisal -- simply observing its terrible and all too consistent actions.

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